Pegar lo siguiente en vuestra carpeta templates de PNP4Nagios, con el nombre check_iostat.php
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PNP Template for check_iostat
Author: Ismael Puerto (
$opt[1] = "--title \"$hostname / $NAGIOS_DISP_SERVICEDESC \" ";
$def[1] = "DEF:tps=$rrdfile:$DS[1]:AVERAGE " ;
$def[1] .= "COMMENT:\"\\t\\tLAST\\t\\t\\tAVERAGE\\t\\t\\tMAX\\n\" " ;
$def[1] .= "LINE1:tps#E80C3E:\"tps \" ";
$def[1] .= "GPRINT:tps:LAST:\"%6.2lf $LABEL[1]\\t\\t\" ";
$def[1] .= "GPRINT:tps:AVERAGE:\"%6.2lf $LABEL[1]\\t\\t\" ";
$def[1] .= "GPRINT:tps:MAX:\"%6.2lf $LABEL[1] \\n\" ";
$opt[2] = "--vertical-label \"MB/S\" --title \"$hostname / $NAGIOS_DISP_SERVICEDESC \" ";
$def[2] = "DEF:MB_read_s=$rrdfile:$DS[2]:AVERAGE " ;
$def[2] .= "DEF:MB_written_s=$rrdfile:$DS[3]:AVERAGE " ;
$def[2] .= "COMMENT:\"\\t\\t\\t\\tLAST\\t\\tAVERAGE\\t\\tMAX\\n\" " ;
$def[2] .= "LINE2:MB_read_s#E8630C:\"MB_read/s\\t\\t\":STACK " ;
$def[2] .= "GPRINT:MB_read_s:LAST:\"%6.2lf MB/s \" ";
$def[2] .= "GPRINT:MB_read_s:AVERAGE:\"%6.2lf MB/s \" ";
$def[2] .= "GPRINT:MB_read_s:MAX:\"%6.2lf MB/s \\n\" ";
$def[2] .= "LINE2:MB_written_s#008000:\"MB_written/s\\t\":STACK ";
$def[2] .= "GPRINT:MB_written_s:LAST:\"%6.2lf MB/s \" ";
$def[2] .= "GPRINT:MB_written_s:AVERAGE:\"%6.2lf MB/s \" ";
$def[2] .= "GPRINT:MB_written_s:MAX:\"%6.2lf MB/s \" ";
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